### Disclaimer. PostX Gnu/Linux comes with absolutely no warranty. You use this distribution at your own responsibility and are solely responsible for any kind of damage or data loss that might occure. It is recommended that you always backup your data before installing a Linux distribution of any kind. ### PostX 0.6 highlights. Release date: 18th of March 2020. Based on Debian Buster. Comes with SystemD. - Firefox as a web-browser. - Sequence FM as a filemanager. - Simple Terminal as a terminal. - Metapad as a text-editor. - Base Player as a music player. - QPlayer as a video file player. - PostX Calendar as a calendar. - Slim as a display manager. - Openbox as a desktop. - Tint2 as a panel. - Wallselector3 as a wallpaper changer. - Calamares installer. - Wicd as a network manager. - Runner-QT as a quick program launcher - CLI based network setup with Systemd compatible scripts == Alternative to Wicd. - Simple Mount as a cli based resource mount tool for usb devices and hard drives. - Wifi support should be enabled out of the box. ### Misc. Wallpapers are at /usr/share/postx-wallpapers . Slim display manager themes are at /usr/share/slim/themes . Change Slim themes by customizing /etc/slim.conf . Shortkeys are listed inside Keys.md (on user's home directory). .xinitrc contains keyboard language value(defaults to: setxkbmap fi &). Consider changing the value to match your keyboard´s locale. See a proper keyboard value from the values document (cat values). ### Management notes. Rebooting the system. From terminal: sudo reboot Shutdown the system. From terminal: sudo poweroff ### Live credentials. username: audax password: live ### Installation notice. Calamares installer's autologin without password was not tested during the installation as it is not compatible with Slim. Disk encyption is not currently implemenented to PostX via Calamares. The two features listed above, will be implemented in the future releases of PostX Gnu/Linux. ### Installation using usb. Burn PostX to usb (Destroyes all data from the usb). Be cautious on the steps below. Verify your device addresses with lsblk or sudo gparted (or some other way). sudo dd if=postx_image_location_here of=/dev/device_name_here && sync Do not use partition location on device_name_here. For example: /dev/sdb1 is wrong; /dev/sdb is correct. Installing the system from live environment: sudo su #become root. calamares #start the installer. You should create at least: Root partition (/) Boot partition (/boot/efi 300-400M) Swap (3-4G) Personally, I also always create a dedicated /home partition. After installation: Enable PostX Gnu/Linux package repository by removing # in front of its the deb line: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/postx.list The deb line should be made to look like this: deb [trusted=yes] https://www.techtimejourney.net/postx-current postx main Save the file and do: sudo apt-get update ### Additional features. ##### View images with feh. Open a terminal and type: feh your_image.jpg/png ##### Take screenshot with scrot. Open a terminal and type: scrot your_screenshot.jpg/png You can also add sleep, of twenty seconds etc.: sleep 20 && scrot your_screenshot.jpg/png ### Known issues. Sometimes Pulseaudio connection breaks. This seems to happen when exiting Openbox and login back in via Slim. If the Pulseaudio connection breaks you will see very high sound levels as the error occures. To remedy the issue, open a terminal and execute: pulseaudio -D