Tag Archives: postx linux

PostX Gnu/Linux delayed to December, new filemanager coming

I have decided to delay PostX Gnu/Linux release to be at the end of December. It´s better to tune the features to their peak rather than do a too early release. The previous having said, there is a new filemanager coming soon. This will likely be the default on the upcoming distribution release. Here is a development screenshot.

Spin FM dev screenshot.

Still in development quality code of Spin FM will be released during the next weekend.

New wallpaper added, PostX Gnu/Linux 0.8 coming in October

New wallpaper has been added:


PostX Gnu/Linux 0.8 will be coming in October. It will be based on Debian 11. Starting from 0.8 the plan is to make more regular releases and enhance the upgrade schedule. This means that release building will be more scripted and automated than before.

PostX Gnu/Linux landing page moves to AWS and PostX Gnu/Linux 0.6 packaging is about to begin

PostX Gnu/Linux page on Techtimejourney is now pointing to AWS. The new page was built with Python Flask framework and is more optimized than its ancestor, which can still be found here.

On other news, PostX Gnu/Linux 0.6 packaging is about to begin. I hope to complete repository upgrades in a few days. After that it is all about compiling things together. I am still hopeful that PostX Gnu/Linux 0.6 will be done and released before the end of 2019.

Added notice. Also the About section has now been moved to AWS.The old About page is still available at: https://www.techtimejourney.net/about/

Added notice 2: Programming projects page is also now served via AWS.

The old page is still available:here

Techtimejourney will still continue to serve content as https and on AWS side https is also a future plan to undertake during 2020.

PostX Gnu/Linux 0.6 RC1(64-bit) is released

You will use PostX Gnu/Linux with your own responsibility. Always backup your important files before proceeding.

PostX 0.6 has been released. This release is built from Debian 10. This is the first Systemd release of PostX and it also uses EFI boot.

postx.postx gnu/linux techtimejourney linux
PostX 0.6 desktop

PostX 0.6 RC1 includes:

  • Firefox as web-browser.
  • Crosslinker FM as filemanager.
  • Quick Terminal as terminal.
  • Metapad as text-editor.
  • Base Player as music file player.
  • QPlayer as video file player.
  • PostX Calendar as calendar.
  • Slim as display manager
  • Openbox as desktop.
  • Tint2 as panel.
  • Calamares installer.

Download PostX Gnu/Linux 0.6. RC1 iso. (828M)

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