Tag Archives: terminal clients for linux

Simple Terminal released

Simple Terminal is rxvt-unicode Pyqt5 terminal implementation with less than 20 lines of code.


Requires pyqt5 and python3 installed. Packages vary upon distributions.

Requires rxvt-unicode to be installed. Can also be named as urxvt depending on a distribution.

Functionalities include the standard rxvt-unicode functionalities. Customizations are done with Xresources file, which is supplied with the project.

For more information and download, see Simple Terminal Github project page.

Changing Xdefaults to tweak the look of Xterm

Xterm is a classical lightweight terminal for Linux/Unix which is a simple but yet effective way to get your command line work done.To install Xterm look for something like xterm or xterminal inside your package manager.

One problem with the Xterm is however that by default it might look something that you might like to customize at some point if you are one of those people who always tweak and change things. Continue reading

Integrate terminal client to your desktop: the case of aterm

As I covered the case of top-down terminal tilda in an earlier post I had an idea to write a post about another terminal client which I used during the last few years. This terminal was called aterm: a nice program which you could literally integrate to your desktop.

Aterm is a great terminal to customize and I really recommend to check out the manual pages of aterm for more information: in terminal client(s) type: man aterm. Continue reading