Monthly Archives: October 2016

News. PostX Gnu/Linux 0.4 release date and going responsive

It has been a more silent month than usual in Techtimejourney. I have taken some time off so that I could get a fresh perspective to what I really want to include into PostX 0.4. As it stands now: the release date of 0.4 should be November 20th. Currently, I am developing the next version of RunIT browser, which will be QT based and will eventually end up being cross-platform (meaning: will work on Windows too). I am still unsure if this new browser will make it to the PostX 0.4 release – but if it does not Firefox will then be the default on the system. I am now also completely rewriting Techtimejourney pages. Years ago, it all started with WordPress but as time passes upgrades become mandatory. Techtimejourney will become responsive and mobile friendly. The design changes are also a preparation for some new content, which will land on 2017. To get a sneak peak of the design overhaul go and check: Continue reading

GTK or QT? Three things you might want to consider when deciding

Coding, it is fun. At best, you discover new things and form new friendships when you code and learn. In reality, much of coding experience can sometimes be about debugging and finding errors. Do not get me wrong: I absolutely love learning from my mistakes and finding better solutions. But in case you are just about to start coding and you are using mainly Linux or some other Unix I will offer you my two cents when it comes to deciding if you should use GTK or QT as your Gui framework. Continue reading