Monthly Archives: July 2017

PostX Gnu/Linux wallpapers

During the latest PostX Gnu/Linux package upgrade, which happened last evening, the 0.5-wallpaper set came to include three new entries. As always, all of these wallpapers are made by me (JJ Posti) and released under GPL v.2 or later. Furthermore, everything is done with Gimp manually – without any pictures.

Enjoy. Continue reading

Quick Terminal(generic version)

This version of the Quick Terminal is the generic version without any PostX Gnu/Linux tools.

Copyright (c) 2017 JJ Posti <>”) Quick terminal is a terminal emulator written with Python. The program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see: This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under GPL Version 2, June 1991.

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Sequence FM v.4.1 & Gtk-Tools v.1

14th of July 2017: Sequence FM v.4.1 and Gtk-Tools v.1:  Download as a zip package.

This is a bug fix release for Sequence FM. Now the file manager can open files with external programs like it should. An added feature to this release is the terminal command support. If you write: firefox, albix, vlc (or some other program name) to the address bar and press enter then the program will open up. You can also use other terminal commands like rm -r to remove files or folders. Be cautious with terminal commands and use them only if you know what you are doing.

Older post from 2nd of June.

Here is Sequence FM v.4. Code is now a lot cleaner and minimized to (about) 189 lines. In this release I placed resources under their own respected menus and also made right-click menu layout clearer.

Also, a notable change happened to copy, paste, move and delete functionalities. The previous now have their own program: Gtk-Tools, which is dedicated to handle those actions. Gtk-Tools is made out of the old Crosslinker FM code and thus it might seem familiar.

Download Sequence FM v.4 and Gtk-Tools v.1 (as a zip) Continue reading