Tag Archives: JJ Posti wallpapers

Darktech series available now.

Back in 2013 I did a wallpaper, which I released onĀ  DeviantartĀ  and just about forgot it completely. I had intentions to add it to my Gallery but for some reason I just forgot about it. As luck would have it, I had a back injury about a week ago – and I had to take it easy for a while. I was then looking for a challenge to undertake and suddenly recalled the original Darktech wallpaper, which was just about everything I was looking for. Now, three years later I am proud the release Darktech series, which contains 3 wallpapers in total (The original wallpaper and two brand new).

Here is a screenshot preview about the set:

darktech wallpapers, wallpapers, wallpaper set

Darktech wallpaper set

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February wallpaper set available in Creative Commons gallery

One of my recent works: February wallpaper set has been added to Creative Commons gallery page 6

The wallpaper set contains three artworks in total. You can also find the wallpaper set listed under Wallpaper series section

wallpapers, free wallpapers. desktop wallpaper, linux wallpapers

February wallpaper set contains 3 artworks in total.