Monthly Archives: March 2013

Thinking Debian: The difference between stable, testing and unstable branches


Summary: An article elaborating the differences between Debian branches. Information, along with some hints, is also given about how to upgrade and manage your system from different Debian branch to another.

Tint2: Alternative config file

First off: welcome to the new home of techtimejourney! As I now begin to elaborate more with this blog what would be a better way to start than giving another example of the great posibilities of tint2 panel. This time I’m going to present a tint2 config which is good for those people who want to have their panel a bit more visible and readable (meaning bigger size). Always remember that you can by all means tweak and customize the values and experiment upon them to create your own tint2 config. So feel free to modify the values below as you please. Continue reading

Transparent tint2 configure

So it is weekend again and it is time to enjoy yet another tint2 panel configuration. This time things are fully transparent. Note: The results should be like in the screenshot which was taken with Debian Wheezy a while back. As I am currently using Arch I however see some differences –  like system tray missing. This is probably due to my very new system configuration which has some erros in it  which I have not had  time to fix yet.


# To use this as default tint2 config: save as $HOME/.config/tint2/tint2rc Continue reading

Integrate terminal client to your desktop: the case of aterm

As I covered the case of top-down terminal tilda in an earlier post I had an idea to write a post about another terminal client which I used during the last few years. This terminal was called aterm: a nice program which you could literally integrate to your desktop.

Aterm is a great terminal to customize and I really recommend to check out the manual pages of aterm for more information: in terminal client(s) type: man aterm. Continue reading