Monthly Archives: June 2017

PostX 0.4.4. has arrived

PostX Gnu/Linux is built from free software. It uses Debian’s main repository together with Techtimejourney’s repository as software sources. I have added contrib and non-free to the sources list of the iso images – just to make it more easier for the users to install what they might need.

This is the final release with Debian Jessie(now: oldstable). PostX Gnu/Linux uses OpenRC as an init system – this trend will continue.

New features / changes since 0.4.3: Continue reading

Albix Player v. 2.1 has arrived

python music player, python linux, python linux music

Albix 2.1. brings new features and stability upgrades.


#Albix 2.1 (a.k.a. PostX 0.4.4 revision) Copyright (c) 2017 JJ Posti <>

#This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;

#for details see:

#This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under

#GPL Version 2, June 1991″)

Dependencies: Continue reading

Veritas Player arrives

Here comes Veritas Player. Veritas is written with Python and Gtk3 and it uses Videolan´s Python module to achieve things in its backend. In other words: it has features of Vlc in it.

vlc gui, gui for vlc, vlc gtk3 gui

Veritas Player v.1

The v.1 release of Veritas Player has the following functionality: Continue reading

PostX Gnu/Linux news

PostX Gnu/Linux v. 0.4.4 will arrive within few weeks. It will be still based upon DebIan Jessie. The upgrade will include all the current PostX Gnu/Linux programs. There will also be some new entries. Vlc will return as Veritas Player.  I wrote Vertitas Player to be a Gui for Vlc. Coding has been done with Python. So far, things look good and stable.  The Kernel will also receive an upgrade. I have compiled a 4.9.30 version with a better Wi-Fi and driver support. Currently I am testing the stability of everything. The repositories will likely receive upgrades by the end of this week.

And here is a screenshot of Vertias Player.

vlc guis, vlc gui, vlc media player gui

Veritas Player is a Gtk3 Gui that will require (at least) vlc-nox package. The design will remain lightweight.